We, Norwegians. The national identity of Norwegian elites in early modern times (16th–18th century)


Part One. The process of shaping Norwegian national identity in 16thand 17thcentury

Chapter One. The loss of independence of Norway at the beginning of the 16thcentury

Chapter Two. Norwegian society in 16thand 17thcenturies

Chapter Three. Danish politics towards Norway and Norwegians in 16thand 17thcenturies

Chapter Four. Norwegian national identity in 16thand 17thcenturies

Chapter Five. Norwegian peasants: memory and continuity

Part Two. 18thcentury transformations of the national identity of the elites

Chapter One. Danish politics towards Norway after 1660; the changes of the elites

Chapter Two. The influence of Ludvig Holberg and Erik Pontoppidan on the development of the national identity in Norway

Chapter Three. We Norwegians, our country and nation

Chapter Four. Patriotic activity

Organizational structures

Scientific writing


The struggle for national interest: university and bank

Chapter Five. The structure of national identity





Bibliography of works cited

Primary sources

Secondary sources

Ksiązka sfinansowana z Narodowego Programu Rozwoju Humanistyki

Tekst książki


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